Not too long ago, I heard a man talking about relationships. He pointed out that because he was his father’s son, he was always able to go into the garage and use his dad’s tools. Even when he became an adult and moved out of the house, he was still able to go over to his parents’ house whenever he needed to, and borrow a tool. His point was that there were advantages to being the son, or daughter, that were not available to everyone else.
I know what it means to be a son, but I couldn’t relate to that whole garage story. I didn’t have the advantage of a garage full of tools, and a dad who would let me borrow them. I began to wonder. What have I missed?
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I know of another young man who started a siding company. This guy’s dad is a popular minister. When the young man started his company, his dad leveraged his own influence & time to help his son promote the fledgling business. I remember seeing the dad’s facebook posts, proudly talking about his son’s new business. I would also see pictures posted of the dad standing at his son’s booth at a trade show, helping him promote it. I think that is so cool.
I wonder if these young men know what they have. Compared to those of us who don’t have that kind of relationship with our dads, they certainly seem to have an advantage.
There have been many times in my life that I wished I had my dad with me, even if it was just to push me harder to man up. There were many times when I noticed his absence and felt disadvantaged.
Even now, the temptation is there to feel disadvantaged. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s simply not true. There is no disadvantage when you know God. His salvation is so great that it completely erases all disadvantage. I believe the only reason we may feel disadvantaged is because we are getting supernatural help from our spiritual enemy.
I will say this though – Without God, the disadvantage is real. It doesn’t take a missing father either. You could have an abusive father who’s there all the time.
Like the young man I mentioned above, some young men don’t want to follow in their father’s foot steps, but instead have the benefit of his influence to start their own enterprise. That’s great too.
Joel Osteen is a tremendous example of someone who stepped into his father’s shoes, stayed true to the vision for Lakewood church, and has grown his church and his influence far beyond his father. He has, by building on the legacy of John Osteen, continued the growth of the ministry, and he reaches millions more that just those that attend Lakewood.
Consider Joseph in the Bible. (Gen 37 – 41). He was the great grandson of Abraham. His dad was called Israel which means Prince of God. He was heir to a tremendous covenant with Almighty God. He had prophetic dreams. His dad gave him a fancy coat. Everything was just going awesome for him. Then his brothers conspired to kill him. Thankfully, they didn’t follow through but instead, sold him into slavery to the Ishmaelites. There were many times in Joseph’s life where he had opportunity to think that he was disadvantaged. His father’s influence was gone and he seemed to be alone. There were probably many times that as a slave, and as a prisoner, he took a beating. Think about it though. He was never beyond the reach or the sight of the Almighty. God knew exactly where he was. Even as a slave and a prisoner, God didn’t forget about him and kept promoting him.
One day, there were only two people in all the land that knew that God had given Joseph supernatural wisdom, and used Joseph to interpret dreams. The butler and the baker. Within three days, one of them was dead (the baker). Things really looked bleak for Joseph because when the butler was restored to his position, he forgot all about Joseph. The day came though, where, in a single day, IN A SINGLE DAY – it went from one person knowing about Joseph, to everybody in the land knowing about Joseph. That’s what I call promotion!
God was faithful to bring Joseph into his destiny, but Joseph had to be faithful even when it looked like things were only getting worse. The promotion was from God, not Joseph, but the promotion would not have come had Joseph not been faithful when no one was watching. Even after his promotion, it was the favor that God had given him with the pharaoh, and his faithfulness to do the job that kept him there.
It might seem to you that you are disadvantaged. You have nothing going for you and everything is hard. It may be true. Through being prideful and hardening your heart, you may have damaged, or weakened relationships with others and now it seems like you are alone. It doesn’t have to stay this way.
God hasn’t forgotten about you. He knows where you are. If you will draw near to Him, repent for your stubbornness and commit to do what He directs you to do in His word, He will get into your business and help you like He did for Joseph. The very next step COULD be the first step in the right direction.
I have a note on my cork board in my home office. It’s a quote from Rev. Keith Moore. It says “I don’t have to know anybody. I don’t have to have any money. I have faith in God, and faith in God is enough”.
When you have God, you are not disadvantaged. Quite the opposite. When you’re His, you have an extreme advantage! You can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthens you.